I have no idea what baby wants or needs anymore

Baby is 9 months old, adjusted age 8 months. He has dropped to 2 naps a day but it doesn’t matter what I do, he’s constantly waking through the night. His wake windows are pretty much consistently 3 hrs but his morning wake up time can be anywhere from 4am to 6am. He seems to sleep for a solid 3 hours once he goes down, then another 3 hours after his first wake up. Then it is haywire from about 1am to 4/6am when he’s awake for the day. Between the hours of 00:00 and 5am he might sleep an hour, then lie there babbling for an hour, or he might wake up then go back to sleep for two hours. There is no consistency.

A typical day looks like: Wake 5am WW - 3hrs Nap 1 - 8am x 1 hour WW - 3.5 hrs / 3.75hrs Nap 2 - 1pm ish x 1 hour WW - 3 hrs And then he wants bath/pjs/bed This means he’s going to sleep by 5pm a lot of the time.

He will resist a third nap like the plague. I don’t know what to do. Any ideas??