Hi! So my 1 year old Toy Australian Shepherd never had a negative experience with any other dogs. However, whenever he is around other dogs he gets super scared, tries to escape whatever room he is in, or wants me to hold him or put him on my lap.
The weird thing is though, that if any other dog has their back turned or is laying down. He will go up to them & sniff them & be curious. Or even will follow them if the other dog leaves the room.
When we are at my in-laws, he wants nothing to do with their dogs & keeps his distance, but if we are outside throwing the frisbee for their dogs, he will chase after them when they are running. Almost like he wants to play, but the second they turn around to bring us the frisbee back, he immediately darts back to us like he’s scared.
What should I do to help him with this?
By - Weak_Show3135